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Huvitz has mission of making practice and realization of ‘benefiting all human-beings’, foundation value of Korea, by providing technically excellent and the
most reliable fine engineering products to every users in the world through the combination of applied science, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering,
and computer engineering.


Huvitz’s vision is to become the most respectable company in the optic electronics fine mechanics industry in the world with the best technology.

Philosophy / Core Value

기업이념-상호간의 신뢰, 상대에 대한 헌신, 최고에 대한 믿음, 목표에 대한 열정 / 핵심가치-최고의 기술, 최고의 품질, 인간을 이롭게 하는 제품, 최고를 향한 혁신과 도전